index - ESPCI Paris - École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris Access content directly

The Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris provides, through the HAL-ESPCI ParisTech portal, free access to some of its researchers & laboratories' scientific output : articles, conference proceedings, habilitations, reviews...

Research at ESPCI is not organized along the typical scheme of a handful of discrete, single-discipline departments. Instead, it is arranged as a larger assembly of topic-focused laboratories collectively covering a large and diverse subject area across physics, chemistry and biology. Today, such assembly brings together 11 research laboratories , all endorsed and jointly supported by CNRS or Inserm.

The direct links to the 11 ESPCI/CNRS Research Labs, with their internal teams, are below:



Langevin Institute "Waves & Images"

Physics for Medicine

Paris Porous Material Institute


Physics & Materials

Physics & Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media

Soft Matter Sciences and Engineering

Molecular, Macromolecular Chemistry, and Materials

Chemistry, Biology & Innovation

Brain Plasticity

Biological Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics


Other local team:
- Applied Statistics team




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